There is no maximum limit on the purchase of NSCs. NSC comes with a fixed maturity period of five years. You can invest in NSC from the nearest post office in your name, for a minor or with another adult as a joint account. This is an initiative by the Government of India and encourages subscribers – mainly small to mid-income investors – to invest while saving also saving on income tax. The National Savings Certificate (NSC) is a fixed-income investment scheme that you can open with any post office branch.

Income Tax Deductions List - Deductions on Section 80C, 80CCC, 80CCD & 80D - FY 2021-22 (AY 2022-23).Budget 2020 Highlights : PDF Download, Key Takeaways, Important Points.Section 80G – Donations Eligible Under Section 80G and 80GGA – 80G Exemption List.Budget 2022 Highlights : PDF Download, Key Takeaways, Important Points.Budget 2023 Highlights: PDF Download, Key Takeaways, Important Points.